Planned Giving

Planned Giving

The Martin L. Kresge Legacy Society

The Martin L. Kresge Legacy Society stands as a tribute to Martin Kresge's profound impact on the Council on Aging of Greater Nashville dba AgeWell Middle Tennessee. During his tenure as President of the Board from 1992 to 1994, Martin played a crucial role in guiding the organization through a pivotal transition from the Council of Community Services to an independent nonprofit entity.

Martin Kresge's commitment to AgeWell Middle Tennessee endured well beyond his presidency, exemplified by his generous bequest to the organization in 2014. This act of generosity laid the groundwork for establishing the Martin L. Kresge Legacy Society, which honors individuals who, like Martin, exhibit a steadfast dedication to AgeWell Middle Tennessee's mission through documented deferred gifts.

Membership in the Martin L. Kresge Legacy Society is extended to donors who arrange deferred gifts such as bequests, life insurance gifts, or contributions from retirement plans. These planned gifts significantly enhance AgeWell Middle Tennessee's ability to sustain and expand essential services for older adults and caregivers throughout Middle Tennessee. Beyond immediate impact, these contributions ensure the perpetuation of the donor's commitment and legacy within AgeWell Middle Tennessee's ongoing mission. Gifts to the Martin L. Kresge Legacy Society secure the organization's long-term financial stability, ensuring it can continue identifying and addressing service gaps for older adults in the community while preserving the legacies of donors who share a deep appreciation for AgeWell Middle Tennessee's mission.

Once you complete your estate plans, please fill out our member profile form to let us know. We would like to thank you for your generosity by including you in the Martin L. Kresge Legacy Society.